A group of eleven students and three teachers along with parents attended the regular weekly meeting of the club to report on their Who is Nobody project.
Who Is Nobody?™ is a Rotary sponsored program that inspires and taps into everybody’s unique strengths. Students get a turn to apply their personal interests and abilities to the five Who Is Nobody? steps that create a unique character building project.
Each student finds a cause, to help kids, animals or the environment, raises funds, presents a story, creates picture and adds a 3D attachment to their doll, that represents their Who Is Nobody?™ experience before the next student’s turn. In the end, they have somebody and a story to tell.
It’s a great start to volunteerism at a very young age— Lynne Ross, teacher
The Tavistock Rotary Club helped the school purchase six dolls and program kits for students last fall. School teacher and coordinator, Mrs. Lynne Ross, said the students look forward to taking him home each week. “It’s a great start to volunteerism at a very young age,” she said.
Students making presentations included Keaton Jones who helped his community by working as a game helper for the Tavistock Braves and raised over $100 and Matthew Schultz who built a birdhouse to keep birds safe in his yard over the winter.
Joellah Fletcher assisted at the veterinary clinic and looked after a puppy while Isabelle Livingston helped collect school supplies for her grandmother’s mission trip to Cuba. Ruby Dyck-Steinmann was busy Baking Cookies for Kindness and Brooklyn Cressman supported fundraising efforts in the Motorcycle Ride for Tyler Todd. Each of her classmates received a yellow ribbon to remember the brave soldiers serving overseas. The ride this year raised over $6,000.
The cost of the program is minor compared to the money these kids have raised— Brian Bennett, Tavistock Rotary Club
Justine Norman facilitated planting six trees in the school yard through Tree Canada and each of her classmates also received a tree to plant and a biodegradable pen.
Ben Goodbun held a food drive for the people affected by the explosion in Woodstock and Nathan Dunk helped with fundraising for cancer. His dad has brain cancer and his 11-year-old cousin has bone cancer. He raised $400 for Toronto’s Sick Kid’s Hospital.
Mac Alexander has been collecting eyeglasses for Third World countries and Cameron Allen collected bottles and cashed them in to assist in cancer research.
Rotary President Brian Bennett thanked the group for attending and said it was “a memorable evening for us all.” Past President Kevin Foster noted, “The cost of the program is minor compared to the money these kids have raised.”

Hickson students speaking about there “Who is Nobody” projects were, left to right: Justine Norman, Nathan Dunk, Keaton Jones, Joellah Fletcher, Matthew Schultz, Isabelle Livingston, Ruby Dyck-Steinmann, Mac Alexander, Cameron Allen and Brooklyn Cressman. Behind are Mrs. Lynne Ross, Mr. Brian Bennett, Mrs. Ruthann Stricker and Ms. Jacquie George.
For more information go to: www.whoisnobody.com
This article was published in the Tavistock Gazette Newspaper on June 8th 2011
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