It makes me feel happy to give things to people you don't need anymore— Hannah Hosein, grade 1 student
Hannah Hosein is a grade 1 student in the Durham District School Board.
For her Who Is NOBODY? project she has to turn a nobody doll into somebody.
Hannah chose to remind the world of small things that can be done to help other people, animals, plants and the environment.
Video at a Glance
School Board: Durham District School Board
Grade: 1
Student: Hannah Hosein
Hannah chose to remind the world of small things that can be done to help other people, animals, plants and the environment. Follow Hannah’s steps to make the world a better place:
- Pick up litter and put it into the garbage
- Walk instead of drive
- Help friends and neighbours
- Give things away that you do not need anymore
- Recycle garbage
- Save water
- Save energy
- Plant trees
- Leave food out for animals
- Remind people to make the world a better place
I think we should all follow Hannah’s 10 steps for improving the world that we live in. Thank you Hannah for making the world a better place!
This video appeared was uploaded to YouTube on April 28th 2009
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