
The Nobody project was an overwhelming success in my classroom. I’ll never forget how intrigued the kids were by the suitcase that sat at the front of the room for several days. Once Nobody was introduced to them, they jumped at the chance to take Nobody on a journey that demonstrated the power of giving back and the impact that being involved in community service has on our character.– Wayne Hodgson, Elementary Teacher – Nelles Elementary – District Schoolboard of Niagara
When students have real and personal literacy experiences their motivation for reading and writing grows exponentially… their Who Is NOBODY? Project was a real experience… it was something they were personally involved with and that’s why their writing was so powerful.
– Lynne Malandrino, Principal, ON Coordinated 45 Participating Schools.
– Lynne Malandrino, Principal, ON Coordinated 45 Participating Schools.

Nobody allowed students who were not able to feel successful all year long in their core subjects to experience success and be looked at as superstars by their peers.– Noah Patel, Grade 8, Boston, USA
I am delighted to note that Who Is NOBODY? provides an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of young Canadians to improve their schools, cities, country, and the global community…
– Elizabeth Witmer, MPP, Former Deputy Premier, Minister of Education.
– Elizabeth Witmer, MPP, Former Deputy Premier, Minister of Education.

Who Is NOBODY? was in one Ottawa classroom. In only two months over 30 more classrooms individually decided to implement this literacy program, resulting in nearly 1000 unique community outreach projects in the Ottawa area! – Amy Hannah, Safe and Caring Schools Coordinator, OCDSB, ON.
All kids, regardless of their background gain hope and confidence through their own actions, interests and abilities. The Who Is NOBODY? Program helps kids do this. It teaches young people to discover the talents that make them somebody.
– Ajike Akande, Teacher, Nelson Mandela PS, TDSB & Upper Canada College, Toronto.
– Ajike Akande, Teacher, Nelson Mandela PS, TDSB & Upper Canada College, Toronto.

Who Is NOBODY? transcends to high school students and enables them to be peer leaders in the school. It develops social awareness and promotes citizenship, empathy, tolerance. This program educated the students about issues that they need to be aware of and gave them the opportunity to experience how empowering it is to make a difference rather than be a bystander.– Richard Coulson, Grade 12 Teacher, Eastdale CVI, DDSB
We were all impressed including the teachers on how a simple concept can have such a positive impact on the lives of children. Those who lack a good role model or did not believe that they could make a difference did make a difference.
– Frank Kinsella, Former Director of Education (UCDSB) & Rotary Club of Gananoque Past President.
– Frank Kinsella, Former Director of Education (UCDSB) & Rotary Club of Gananoque Past President.

Who Is NOBODY? has been a vehicle that has allowed students to highlight their talents and affirm those qualities that enhance self-esteem, strengthen their relationships with their peers and feel proud of their families and their ability to effect positive change.– Nancy Steinhauer, Principal, TDSB, ON.
Who Is NOBODY? provides an engaging format to help teachers address the following emotional and social skills in their classrooms: self-regard, self-actualization, empathy, social responsibility and problem-solving.
– Howard Stone, Leadership Consultant, Learning Ways Inc.
– Howard Stone, Leadership Consultant, Learning Ways Inc.

It assists youth in identifying their passion and then putting their passion into action to help something or someone they care about.– Dave Palmer, Rotary Club of Arnprior
Who Is NOBODY? is truly unique and has had tremendous success in Ontario Schools. Teachers like it because it does not take very much time and is not an ‘add-on’ to an already heavily compacted curriculum. Students like it because of its uniqueness and their ability to decide how they are going to make the program their own.
– Joan Hayward, Past Rotary District 7070 Governor, District Chair for Literacy.
– Joan Hayward, Past Rotary District 7070 Governor, District Chair for Literacy.

We hear from so many motivational speakers and people who inspire us that one person can make a difference and students now know that this is the case…congratulations to all the teachers and all the students involved in making a difference.– Sandra Blaikie, ‘A’ Morning – Ottawa CTV Globe Media TV
Who Is NOBODY? makes every student exceptional…
– Carol Kennedy, Grade 5 Teacher, Tusarvik PS, Nunavut.
– Carol Kennedy, Grade 5 Teacher, Tusarvik PS, Nunavut.

NOBODY’s teaching students that there is a lot more to respect than a pair of jeans or an ipod.– Karen Horsman, CBC Metro Morning
Who Is NOBODY? provides elementary school-aged children with unique tools to learn about themselves and share with others.
– James Sneep, Staff Inspector, Toronto Police Service, Community Programs.
– James Sneep, Staff Inspector, Toronto Police Service, Community Programs.

Who Is NOBODY? is a unique teacher developed resource that supports various curriculum expectations. Its creative approach and focus on pro social skill development and essential life skills makes it an excellent resource in support of safe and caring schools initiatives.– Bruce Cameron, Central Co-ordinating Principal, Safe Schools, Toronto District School Board
This project empowered our youngest students in our school, the JK class, showing them that they had what it took to make a difference in the lives of others. In turn it boosted their self-esteem and taught them to be open minded and have empathy and kindness. I highly recommend this program for children of all ages. Introduce it, sit back, and be blown away by the natural instincts in children to protect.
– Shelley Klugman – Leo Baeck Day School, Jewish IB (International Baccalaureate) World School.
– Shelley Klugman – Leo Baeck Day School, Jewish IB (International Baccalaureate) World School.

I love the Who Is Nobody project because it helps children believe in themselves and in their own personal ability. This empowerment helps them see a bigger picture and feel that their positive actions can make positive changes in the world. They realize that little people can do big things!– Anne Lefebvre – Queen Elizabeth P.S. – Renfrew County District School Board