What is the Who Is GREEN? education program…
Who Is GREEN? is an environmentally-focused version of Who Is NOBODY?
Who Is GREEN? works the same way Who Is NOBODY? works, but with a green focus that creates an emotional connection with the environment. Students follow the 5 Who Is GREEN? Steps implemented by DVD (played directly to students) that inspire and support them in creating incredibly personal projects. Then, students dedicate their GREEN projects to a person or animal to acknowledge that when you help the environment you help everybody!
Who Is GREEN? teaches students that ANYBODY can be SOMEBODY who is green. This program is easy to set up with any age or ability, self-running, the resources are reusable and the impact is tangible. Who Is GREEN? can also help with your Ecoshools certification.
How does it work?
The program begins when a mysterious package arrives in the post that says:
Inside, along with 25+ support materials is ANYBODY, a green denim doll that has no interests, abilities, age, gender, ethnic or cultural identity, friends or character.
Students find out that:
Each week a different student brings ANYBODY and the program resources home to follow the 5 Top Secret Who Is GREEN? Steps that support students in discovering their interests and using them to build a project that helps the environment.
Who Is GREEN? can be implemented:
Class-wide: Each student does a personal Who Is GREEN? Experience.
School-wide: Each class does a Who Is GREEN? Experience and shares it at a school-wide assembly.
Projects range from:
- Donated sports equipment to people who could not participate otherwise
- Made a poster to show all the toxic household cleaners vinegar can replace
- Started taking the bus once a week as an alternative to being driven to school

What is the result?
Each participant reflects, documents, shares, celebrates and inspires their peers by:
Adding an attachment to ANYBODY that represents their project and reflects EVERYBODYβS unique interests - Class Scrapbook
Writing a story and drawing a picture that goes in the class Scrapbook - Class Presentation
Describing how they put their interests into action, reading their story to the class and explaining what their attachment represents